Adams flea and tick spraygood productfast delivery The product that was shipped was packaged very wellI would recommend revival pet products to anyonethey ship out fast and there products are competively priced. Besides if you are looking for a good flea and tick sprayAdams has worked great for us for many years now.
Poisonous to Cats I bought this spray marketed as safe for cats today for my adult cat. 1.5 hours after application she lost her coordination kept falling over her back legs won't move properly. Meanwhile my cat's freaking out and running into things trying to run away from a boogey man she can't see. I called Adams and they said sometimes the sprays contain alcoholreally? Their solution was to wash my cat down and monitor her. This stuff should not be sold and marketed to cat owners. Yeah it kills fleas. It may kill your fur baby too and make you sick. My nose was running while I was spraying my cat.
only product that actually works Our cat got fleas and I went through about $75 worth of other products before I found out this is the only one hands down that works. Yes it smells like chemicals and your pet may loathe you when you raise that nozzle up but you will visablly see dead and dieing fleas fall off your animal. gross i know but dead is better than crawling off her and onto you Our vet uses this product. I also reccomend using the Advantix 1mo treatment along with this so you dont have to subject your animal to direct contact to adams spray for too long. Also a little food for thought Since I used it on my cat and she hated it so much i dont blame her it is very strong smelling it became a great training tool. She was obsessed with destroying houseplants and the Christmas tree so I sprayed it at the base of places do not ever put around any food she was not to go and it worked. We still have a bottle that's 75% full because we haven't had to use it since.
Bad for kittens bad for humans We recently bought this crap from our Vet for our kittens. We dabbed a little bit on Christo's head as a test and it immediately started jerking around heavily salivating then full on foaming at the mouth! Our poor kitten! This was only a few dabs of Adams mind you. We called the Vet right away and was told oh yeah that happens some times. Your cat will stop foaming within an hour. What the f*k ? The smell of this horrible product made both me and my wife nauseas as well. It is so highly scented as to be noxious. We had to remove from the room the cotton ball we used to apply the test on Christo.The only reason we tried this stuff is because our kittens aren't yet old enough for the really right flea treatment apparently called revolution. In the meantime we're going back to plan A for our kits Dawn Pure Essential baths with lots of fresh water for the rinse.Stay away from Adams.
Not a good option for a larger dog I got this product because my dog is allergic to *everything* and I wanted to be able to test a small amount without committing to a full application. I know that lots of animals do have sensitivities to flea and tick products it's not easy to kill fleas so yeah the ingredients in most of the products are pretty harsh and this has similar active ingredients to leading flea and tick treatments making it a good test.After a test and waiting a couple of days to make sure there were no adverse reactions I tried a full application. The dosage information for cats and smaller dogs is fairly clear 12 sprays per pound the animal weighs but for larger dogs it's very vague spray until damp not saturated. I have a 98 pound German Shepherd who had fleas before application. I sprayed him with the flea and tick mist to the point where I would have called him thoroughly damp. I gave it about a week to give the spray a chance to work and still found fleas when I checked. Figuring there's a lot of room for interpretation in the word damp I sprayed him again more thoroughly. That was about a week ago and I just found more fleas. It wasn't a bad infestation to start withI was hoping to nip it in the budand at least it doesn't appear to have gotten any worseThe dog doesn't care much for the spray part strange sound then sudden cold wetness? I can't blame him and hates the smell alcohol and chemicalsagain can't blame him even though it dissipates after an hour or so. He runs away when he sees the bottle and tries to get away throughout the application process. With a big dog it's just not practical. And since he still has fleas it's probably also not the best application method for large dogs.I'll keep using it on the cats though. They didn't have fleas before despite living with a dog who does still don't have fleas and are small enough that application is quick and straightforward. disclaimer my cats are fairly tolerant and don't scratch or bite even when I give them baths.
DO NOT USE I have a chi/papillon mix she weights 5 lbs. Used the mist and right now 603 I am going through Vet Bills dog having severe seizures and still not sure dog will survive. Please DO NOT use this on any animal. It is dangerous. I did wash it out but it was too late. We still do not know if the dog will survive.
foaming at the mouth and still has fleas. I tried this product because it was cheap. What a mistake. I tried it on 2 cats. One started foaming at the mouth so I immediately gave her a bath with dish soap. The other larger cat who rarely licks himself didn't foam at the mouth so I left it on.The only noticeable effect aside from the foam and drool this had was the fleas crawled around more as though they were uncomfortable. There were noticeably less fleas on the cat washed in dish soap.Use it on animals you don't like.
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