I love this stuff!!!, I bought this forever ago and didn't realize I needed to review it...
Good Product - Terrible Sprayer!!!, The product seems to do the job....the problem is the sprayer. It leaks a lot! Ended up with more product on our hands and dripping around on the floor than we had to spray. And it says not to get this stuff on your hands - then put a sprayer on it that works!!!! Finally retro fitted a sprayer from a different bottle and it seems to do much better! But really, should a person have to do this???? Sentry Home needs to redesign the sprayer so it does not leak all over. If I buy this again, we will use a different sprayer right off the bat and not have the mess we had the first time we used it....
Spray handle leaks a bit, but is effective. Wear gloves, We use this as part of a preventative plan. We have 3 dogs and one cat that are all indoor/outdoor. We started using this product back in April 2011 as part of a flea prevention plan.
Works well and doesn't smell, This works well. It got rid of the fleas in one application. I've used another brand which smelled and the smell lasted for a long time. If this stuff had a scent (I don't think so) it was very mild and went away quickly.
IT WORKED FOR ME, I read the reviews of this product before purchasing, so I was not surprised that it worked well. I didn't use the sprayer attached to the bottle, but put it in a small pressure sprayer to save time. It was almost too easy! I thoroughly vacuumed and cleaned every surface I needed to treat, sprayed enough to surface-coat the carpet and furniture, and as soon as it was dry I let the dogs back in. It's a big plus that the fragrance is pleasant, the product is not sticky or messy after it dries, and it did not affect my dogs in any way. The fleas, however, have vanished.
Not sure if it worked, To be honest I had such a bad flea problem that even bombing my house 3 times did not work. I would say it helped a little. In the ens the cold weather killed them off.
It works!!!, This flee spray works to get rid of flees in your home and maintain it. I used it with a combination of advantage, K9-advantix, capstar pills, and adams flee spray (it goes on the dog). It helps to break the cycle of flees in your carpet. I would recommend buying from here as the same product is twice the cost in pet stores.

Eliminates odors.Home and carpet spray.Kills fleas and ticks eggs and larvae.Prevents eggs from hatching for 210 days.Protects for 7 months. SentryHOME Home and Carpet Spray 96 fluid ounce.
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