Love this stuff!!, After reading other reviews, I didn't know what to expect. Can't believe someone wasn't overly keen on the scent. I adore it! My dog (a Schipperke) Fitz smells like a Yankee candle. Best of all the fleas died quickly (make sure you leave it on for 5 min., as the label says)! The shampoo is easy to rinse off, and all-natural! Right now he is sleeping, not scratching.
Worked Great, This product will drop fleas in the tub within seconds after lathering up your dog. It doesn't have the most pleasant smell but once rinsed and dried that smell is gone. I also found that it helped with hot spots and a skin irritation that he had as well. I would highly recommend this shampoo and I have just placed an order for my third bottle. I have tried many shampoos; calming, conditioning, flea and tick and have be more pleased with this product than any other.
smells good, but it does not work, not to mention the package came leaking and the pump sprayer never worked. the only plus was some fleas did leave and it made them smell good when it was raining out.
Puts fleas to sleep, I'm a dog groomer. The smell doesn't bother my sinus like the spray does but it is strong smelling. I found when washing my dogs it made my dogs a little relaxed, this didn't bother me till I discovered the fleas that looked dead were only sleeping. They came alive when I started blow drying. I also used this shampoo on 2 new client dogs, the dogs got really relaxed & almost fell over. They were infested in fleas, my tub was covered in fleas after bathing them in this shampoo. I toweled them off & put them on the grooming table. I sprayed the tub with a different flea spray to make sure there wasn't a live flea hiding in the mass. They all came alive when the spray hit them!! The fleas left on the dog starting coming alive when I blowed dried the dogs. I'm very disappointed in this shampoo. The smell does stay with the dogs a few days, that was nice but that was all I liked about it. Doesn't work for fleas unless you want the fleas to sleep lol.
Seems to work, We've gotten away from chemical flea treatments to keep my 17 mos old from getting her hands in toxins. Product works great on my Beagle, but I think it's a little too much for my sensitive skinned Shitzu.
Awesome product, We have and inside beagle. When we used other shampoos, bathing her 2-3 times a week even though she was inside she still constantly had fleas. After using this product couple times a week and spraying her every other day for the first few weeks we finally got control of the problem. We now can give her a bath once every week or week and a half and we find nothing. I dont know about outside dogs and how effective it is on them but it sure does work on our inside dog. She is outside for short periods of time with an occasional long run through the woods and I am very pleased with this product. We dont even use the spray anymore, just the shampoo for her baths.
Poor product, I purchased this shampoo along with with the spray based on the positive reviews on Amazon. From my experience I would disagree with the reviews that claiming that it's an awesome or effective product. I guess most people are buying this to avoid exposing their pets to harsh chemicals just like I did. I used the shampoo followed by the spray.
Great Dog Shampoo, We were using another dog shampoo made by Melaleuca, if you can believe it. It would leave our Doberman's skin dry and he would have little dry skin particles in his coat. Then we switched to this shampoo because it is organic and kills fleas.
He is just a puppy now and really doesn't have fleas yet. But the shampoo works great and our puppu smells wonderful. His skin is not dry either and he doesn't have those flakes anymore after a wash. He doesn't have any fleas still.
Good as shampoo, This didnt have many reviews when i was searchin and researchin for flea products...but i went for it becuase it had a couple positive reviews and the fact that it was organic and natural was a plus.
As far as killing fleas..i dont think it does too much. It probably helps to repel them though. The first time I left it for 5 mins..dried my pomeranians hair...did a flea check and sure enough i saw one or two. The second time i left it about 10 mins..a few days later i found a flea. I mean she's not infested with fleas or anything thats why im trying to avoid those spot treatments after reading that it can make your dog sick or even cause death.
As far as reviewing it as a works great. I put on a small amount and it lathers soo well! The smell is almost like a mint toothpaste with the rosemary smell too.
BE WARY OF THIS PRODUCT!, I have used this product on my now-deceased dog--not that happy with the results. Because of its inadequate performance, I turned to using another highly promoted product they manufacture--Richard's Organics Neem Oil.
Within a week of using their "safe" neem oil, our beloved dog died from grand mal seizures, severe central nervous system dysfunction, brain damage, etc. She had just had a wellness check with the vet--and was in very good health.
There is no known antidote to neem oil poisoning--and there are incidences of children dying from such.
Neem oil should NEVER be used undiluted--and, even if diluted, the appropriate ratios of dilution should be followed.
Please read my other review under "Richard's Organics Neem Oil"--and think twice before using any product without doing complete research into it.

No Harsh Chemicals.Repels Mosquitoes.kills fleas.Gentle and Safe.100% natural solutions for better health. 100% all natural flea shampoo for dogs and puppies over 8 weeks of age. Also repels mosquitoes. Richard’s Organics naturally gentle and safe flea shampoo is formulated to kill fleas without subjecting your dog or puppy to the harsh chemicals found in traditional flea shampoos.
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