Hartz UltraGuard One Spot for Cats
Controls & Prevents Flea Eggs and Flea Larvae Now I'm not sure I should be supporting this company because I still have other questions about their product but most of the bad reviews here seem to be because of a misunderstanding of how the product works. I can't say I'm surprised since the packaging isn't very clear about how it works which really isn't good. When I bought the product the first thing I did was look up the active ingredient Methoprene. Because I was really curious how this was so much cheaper than Advantage. One look on wikipedia explains exactly how this product is supposed to work. Methoprene is a juvenile hormone that prevents fleas from gaining fertility. Which means it doesn't kill fleas it doesn't kill eggs it doesn't actually do anything except put a break in the fleas reproduction if you catch them before they are already fertile. So from my understanding this product really shouldn't be used on a heavily infested cat at all because it isn't going to get rid of the fleas on them and it isn't going to kill the eggs they've already laid.
It killed my cat Put it on her and a cat that just a couple months before got a clean bill of health was dead with renal failure in 2 weeks. Their response? Well who would use this on a 10yearold cat? I didn't know that fleas had an age requirement. I'll never forgive myself for using this stuff.
Worse than useless! We put it on our cat and next morning she threw up for the first time ever. The fleas didn't go away at all maybe even got worse. Our cat had a greasy patch of fur for a couple days.
do not buy! Someone I know used this product despite me telling her not to. Her cat lost fur where she put it and it's there is a sore there. I knew that Hartz was terrible.
HUH??.. Well i go this thinking it said kills fleas and also eggs and larva. Put it on and it did nothing so i called them and they said It dosent kill fleas I'm like HUH??? they said it kill only eggs and larva.
breaks flea life cycle If your anamial has adult fleas or the fleas are in your carpets you will need a fipronil product in addition to this one. This product is not an insecticide but rather a substance that mimicks an insect hormone which prevents flea eggs and larvae from becoming adult fleas. It is also a lower concentration of one of the ingredients in a very expensive prescription formula which combines fipronil and methoprenethe active ingredient in this product. I used it for my 7 month old kitten I adopted from the pound. He had no fleas because he was treated with fipronil at the pound but was loaded with flea droppings and live larvae. I bathed the anamial with flea shampoo and then treated him with this product. My kitten tolerated it well its a little greasy but so far so good. Additionally I sprayed my carpets with insecticide and washed the cats bedding to eliminate reinfestation.
POINTLESS This stuff did absolutely nothing and within days my cat had fleas all over him again.
Avoid at all cost Worse than useless. I used this stuff on an approximately 12week old feral kitten that I rescued. He promptly stopped eating and acting like an otherwise healthy cat. The vet said his temperature was dangerously low most likely due to this product. I did my very best but I lost him last night. Please please PLEASE if you have an animal that you love pay a little extra for a product that won't endanger their life. I would do anything to go back and not make this mistake and I hope anyone who reads this doesn't learn their lesson the same way I did.
Just moves the flees I bought this product a month ago and used 2 of the doses in that time as i noticed that the first dose did nothing. All it did was move the flees to the top of his the cats head rather then kill them at all. When it comes to medications for pets you really do get what you pay for. This is the worst crap ever made i think water does a better job as it would drown the flees out.

Adult fleas can live on your pet while also producing vast numbers of eggs which drop off your pet and develop in the surrounding environment.It also provides relief from flea populations on cats and kittens by controlling and preventing flea eggs and larvae.An easy to use topical application that Kills flea Eggs and Larvae for 30 days.Kills flea eggs and larvae thereby breaking the flea life cycle..
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This is a smart blog. I mean it. You have so much knowledge about this issue, and so much passion. You also know how to make people rally behind it, obviously from the responses.Best flea treatment for cats
ReplyDeleteVery informative, here you have shared lots of detail about this crappy bugs.. I prefer the shampoo route personally. best flea shampoo
ReplyDeleteTo the people who make this and the people that make anything harmful to cats I hope u and ur Family get harmed and killed by some shampoo or something!!
ReplyDeleteAmazing blog. It's really useful to know about the fleas which the cats are getting infected. For this treatment, We can have many products to cure from it. I am having a product which is best for flea treatment. Do visit my blog
ReplyDeleteNice tips for Pets, I am having a Cat, I am very much serious about her health, I am taking applying Advantage II on her skin for flea treatment, Check it out here to get advantage II review, tips, and buying guide.
ReplyDeleteIt’s time to choose any of these I’ve recommended and thrown all the fleas, ticks and lice away from your cat, your home.