Hartz UltraGuard Flea and Tick Home Spray, 16-Ounce
Only works for a day or two. We have used this twice in our home and still have a pretty bad flea infestation. We first vacuumed like crazy bleached the tile floors then used the spray. I was pretty happy when we came home and there seemed to be next to no fleas but about two days later they were back full force. We decided to give it one more try about a week later and got the same result. This spray is definitely not a permenant solution.
Use This to Stop Disease Killing Sago Palms A scale type airborne disease is killing the Sago Palms in Florida. I have two of the very expensive plants in my yard that were dying. The technician who sprays and applies fertilizer to my yard told me that nothing could be done to save them. I went online and read article after article saying that nothing could stop the disease. Finally I came across an article claiming that Hartz UltraGuard Flea and Tick Home Spray would stop the disease. Figuring I had nothing to lose except the cost of the spray which is not expensive I ordered a bottle from Amazon. Bottom line it worked! I sprayed both palms and was dismayed when all the fronds fell off. However in a few days bright new healthy fronds started to grow in where the others were shed. Now I use the spray as an occasional preventative and my palms continue to thrive while others around them are dying off.
Ineffective Like the other reviewers I've found this spray as well as the corresponding one for cats to be very ineffective.
I FOUND IT HELPFULL!!!!!! Ok soo I got a dog from what was called a foster homethe lady feild to tell me that he had fleas well about 3 weeks later we decided that he didnt belong with us that he belong to a family with kids and more space dont get me wrong he was a great great dog and thats why we found him the best home well 2 weeks from that we started to get attacted by fleas really really bad so I had to call the new family and tell them..
not too impressed. I would have given 2.5 stars if that was an option. I used this to deal with a flea problem in my apt and after 4 days it only seems moderately effective. I plan on giving it a few days and if there are still fleas in my house I am calling a professional exterminator. Oh and I used their drops and they were worthlessended up talking to the vet who said to wash my cats and give them 24 hours and then I could apply Frontline which seems to work better and doesn't make as much of a mess on the cats fur.
Welcome to the circus! I now have more fleas than I have ever had in over 40 years.
Don't Waste Your Money Don't waste your money on this product. It does not work at all. And the spray for dogs doesn't work either.
Doesn't work and is toxic for pets Found this at my dad's the seal was unbroken. The thing claimed to kill all fleas within 10 minutes. Tried it on my dog found a few live jumpy fleas on him sprayed again. A few hours later he threw up all his dinner.He was given a snack a couple hours later and threw that up too. I have no doubt this is because of the spray especially after reading about it.Now I just have to pray that it doesn't get worse.
Temporary fix This is kind of like a flea deterrent. Basically it makes them move to the other side of the room and they will be back serving as a very shortterm temporary quick fix. I recommend an exterminator and Advantage or Frontline flea treatment.The good thing about this product is that it doesn't smell bad and it's cheap. If your exterminator isn't scheduled to come over until next week and you have guests coming over tonight use this on and around your couch. That's about all it is good for. In the long run it is ineffective.

Kills fleas, flea eggs and ticks.Breaks the flea life-cycle.Use on carpet, upholstery and pet bedding.Continuous protection for 210 days.No order and does not stain. Hartz Ultra Guard Flea & Tick Home Spray contains an insect growth regulator, which effectively breaks the flea life-cycle. One treatment give continuous protection against pre-adult fleas for 210 days. In addition it kills adult fleas, flea eggs, ticks and other insects on contact while leaving no odors, stains or sticky mess. Use on carpets, rugs, upholstery and pet bedding.
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