Monday, April 30, 2012
Ultra Guard Flea Tick Spray
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Bayer Advantage 6 Month Control 11 20 Flea control
Keeps the fleas away It's cheaper for me to purchase this online versus the local pet stores and vetinarian. The product comes in a timely manner and I'm able to get a 6 month supply. My dog has not had any issues with this product and the fleas have stayed away.
Flea control This product continues to work for my dog. I notice in warmer weather he begins to scratch and chew a lot more. Once I put this on him he feels much better. Online is the best place to buy this stuff.
Works great on fleas With this product it seems that the fleas are finally gone! I've been trying unsuccessfully for months to control them with cheap products now I know better. One note though I bought the Advantage II but really should have bought the Advantix II because it also controls ticks. However on fleas it works as advertised. If you don't need tick control this is definitely a must product. Also be aware that this product contains the pesticide Permethrin which is highly toxic to cats so if you're in a multipet household Frontline might be a better choice.
new formula I have used advantage on my dog for the last 3 years and it worked very well for him. I recently ordered it again and was sent advantange 11 instead of regular advantange it nearly killed my dog he was chocking and couldn't walk without falling over for 2 days .I thought he was going to die.I just found out that they changed the formula and made it stronger please be careful if you try this on you dog. I KNOW I WILL NEVER USE IT AGAIN AND NOW HAVE TO FIND ANOTHER FORM OF FLEE MEDS IF THEY DON'T CHANGE IT BACK.
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- Advantage Topical Flea Treatment for Dogs over 55 Lbs (6 Applications) Weve had wonderful results with no ill effects We have three dogs & two cats & occasionally a few hundred if not thousand fleas. We use different doses to cover the whole herd.We used Advantage when we lived in TX & it worked great. Then we ...Read the full
- Bayer Advantage II Teal 4-Month Flea Control for Dogs 11-20 lbs. LOVED IT!!! I have used Frontline for years and it always took and week to kick in and only lasted for about 2 weeks and my dog started scratching like crazy again. So I switched to this and it worked in just one day and lasts for a full month!!! My dog has never ...Read the full
- Bayer Advantage II Purple 6-Month Flea Control for Cats 9+ lbs. Effective Treatment Reasonable Price I have several cats indoors and out and all of them ended up with fleas this year. In the past Frontline has worked just fine but not this year. It seems like this year has been a horrible year for fleas ...Read the full
- Bayer Advantage II Red 6-Month Flea Control for Dogs 21-55 lbs. It works.used it for 5 years and dog all OK The product really works. I was concerned about dog healthbut I found nothing negative on the net and have been using it as needed for 5 years or so. ...Read the full
- Bayer Advantage II Blue 6-Month Flea Control for Dogs 55+ lbs. aint no bugs on me lol I just wanted to say I run a cat rescue and with the 6 month supply i can cover over 28 cats and 3 small dogs i wish you sold the 12 month supply but ill take what i can get and i always remember the puppy on the ...Read the full
Friday, April 27, 2012
Bayer Advantage 4 Month Control 11 20 Bayer Advantage II
GREAT PRODUCT.. Weigh your dog before buying I want to start off by saying price product quality genuine as stated seller is excellent and the shipping was FAST free helps too.. Merchant = A+Also the best way to know its the working or legitimate is when your dogs breathe changes following the treatment for a few days.. clear difference depending on strength of product_______________________My review is a precaution for those like me stuck between 10 11 lb dogs 310 than a whopping 11 20 lbs for the second size.The product works great which is why I work with this product only this brand. The issue seems to be if you have a small dog its going to be well over 10 lbs in some cases.. so either I get a lower dose or the high dose which seems to make their breath stinkits odd and happens with all small dogs especially if its applied wrongMy only suggestion is Weigh Your Dog Before OrderingShipping 3 days from order date arrived much faster than expected big plus.My only downside The product itself does not really take into account small dogs that are like between the two weight classes on the packaging.
Water is better than this product. I wouldn't even give this product one star. It does nothing. Applied it multiple times in the shortest time span as safe according to manufacturer and the fleas just kept multiplying. Worse than original Advantage. Contacted the seller Posh Poodle Grooming and asked for a refund. They said no because I threw away the box but would ask Amazon. But never heard back. It's been well over a month.Gave up on topical flea treatments and switched to Comfortis. Read a lot of scary stories about it but friends didn't have trouble and vet wasn't worried. Now my dog is flea free and comfortable again. He did fine with it. No side effects.
Bayer Advantage II Advantage is the most effective flea kill and control product we've used. It works quickly and safely. It's easy enough to apply and lasts.
DOG OWNER BEWARE!!! This product failed and now It will cost me about $700 to fix the flee infestation in 2 houses vets bill. Bayer does not stand behind this product!!!! NO recourse.
Extremely happy My product arrived on time and the price was awesome. I've been researching advantage online and in stores for a while. And this was the cheapest around. I had ordered from another online company and it was a horrible experience I waited two months for the product and was given the run around on it's where a bouts I finally had to buy the product in a store and paid a lot of money for it and had to wait another two months to get reimbursed for my online purchase. I already have recommended this seller to all my friends with animals. The box was a little crushed when it arrived but the product was fine.
LOVED IT!!! I have used Frontline for years and it always took and week to kick in and only lasted for about 2 weeks and my dog started scratching like crazy again.
fleas fleas fleas This product is great! I was using frotline for my little dog and for some reason it was not working against her fleas.
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- Bayer Advantage II Teal 6-Month Flea Control for Dogs 11-20 lbs. Works great on fleas With this product it seems that the fleas are finally gone! I've been trying unsuccessfully for months to control them with cheap products now I know better. One note though I bought the Advantage II but really should ...Read the full
- Bayer Advantage II Green 4-Month Flea Control for Dogs 0-10 lbs. Very Disappointed! I got Advantage 2 for my little princess because we wanted to try another brand other than Frontline. We give our dog a bath every 2 weeks and we can see pretty easily if she has fleas because of her white fur.Well we put Advantage on her TWICE ...Read the full
- Bayer Advantage II Red 4-Month Flea Control for Dogs 21-55 lbs. New Advantage works! I've been happily using these types of flea medications for 10 years. BUT I'd given up over the last two years on Advantage and Frontline. They both seemed to have NO EFFECT. Maybe the fleas in my area had become immune? ...Read the full
- Bayer Advantage II Blue 4-Month Flea Control for Dogs 55+ lbs. Great product We have over 10 cats at any time and this is a godsend. We treat the animals by weightyou can find this info online using the large dog size. It is exactly the same ingredients as the cat one just different dosage. Advantage ...Read the full
- Bayer Advantage II Orange 4-Month Flea Control for Cats 5-9 lbs. Effective Treatment At A Good Price I have several cats indoors and out and all of them ended up with fleas this year. In the past Frontline has worked just fine but not this year. It seems like this year has been a horrible year for fleas ...Read the full
Thursday, April 26, 2012
SynergyLabs Richards Organics Natural Spray Great alternative to the chemicals in other flea treatments
GREAT product! i bought this at my local natural pet store it is cheaper here so i will be ordering from amazon in the future it is a great product. it is a stronger smellbut the smell is not chemicals that is very important. it is essential oils. i actually don't mind the smell and spray my kids/self when hiking or outdoors. it is much better than getting lyme disease since we have used it on our dog/selves we have had no tick incidences.
NOT for cats I ordered this product to use on my cats. The product description says it is for use on dogs AND cats. After doing some research on the ingredients I found that some of these essential oils are actually toxic to cats. Then after looking on the product label more carefully it does not say it is for cats but specifically says in very small print under the name it is for DOGS. I would NOT use this on a cat. We put a small amount on my cat before we knew better. It does have a terrible odor but I don't know if it works or not. If you have a dog go for it. Just wish the description would have been truthful and not said it is safe for cats.
smells way too strong I could smell this flea and tick spray before I even opened the box. While it isnt an unpleasant smell it is waaaaay too strong. As for its effectiveness it seemed to work if the fleas were directly sprayed individually.I couldnt get every flea. My pets still have fleas I had to wash it off of them because the smell was so strong it was making me sick to my stomach and one of my dogs also became sick.Thats my experience it may work for others but not for me. I wouldnt recommend it.
Works! I went into a local pet store and purchased this item. I bought it becuase it has eugenol oil in it which by the way helps get rid of other pest like cockroaches This stuff works great so far. I sprayed it on both my dogs and they finally have stopped sctraching. It smell is a littel strong at first but it works. I woudl definetly recomend this product. The best part is it safe for pets and kids.
Mediocore product I thought using organics would help decrease exposure to chemicals but the product doesn't really work so ended up using other flea topical medication. Applied the spray and the following day the dog is still scratching and fleas could still be found crawling on my pet. I thought at least the fleas would be killed and my pet at least flea free for a couple of days. The odor of the spray is not offensive but do you want your pet smelling minty fresh. The spray also leaves a residue that is slightly sticky. If your pet is outdoors or goes outside often the residue picks up more dirt. You'll end up bathing your pet more often. So in the end you are not really getting a good product. Your pet will still be with fleas and you'll end up shampooing more often.
horrible smell The smell of this product is horrible. I sprayed my dog outside right before taking her for a walk. I was hoping it will dry outside and won't smell so bad. Well was not the case. The smell is still strong. I don't know if it's a smell or the taste because she was leaking her paws but she was so restless for couple of hours. And I also read that some of the oils cause liver damage so it's not that safe as the are saying. Would not buy this product again and would not recommend to anyone. I wish I read about those oil before purchasing this product.
Great alternative to the chemicals in other flea treatments My dog has permanent hair loss from using topical flea treatments such as Frontline plus. I bought this as well as the matching shampoo to try as a natural alternative.It works best if you wash your pet with the flea and tick shampoo first and follow up with a light spray of this product. Concentrating on the legs feet and under the tail. The smell isn't great but it is bearable.If your pet licks themselves compulsively I wouldn't recommend this but if your pet doesn't have extremely sensitive skin its fine. I also don't recommend it for cats as many essential oils can be toxic to cats.
BEWARE! We used this product on our nowdeceased family petobviously it did not work well. We then purchased Richard's Organics Neem Oilthinking that would be a nontoxic safe solution.Were we wrong. Our beloved dog died within a week of applying the undiluted neem oilwe are devastated. Four different vets could not save her. She suffered from convulsions severe central nervous system dysfunction brain damage etc. It was the most tragic thing I have ever witnessed in all of my years being a pet owner.There is no known antidote to neem oil poisoning. There are cases in India where children and others have died from ingestion of such.Proper ratios of dilution should be followedNEVER USE UNDILUTED NEEM OIL ON YOUR PETS.
Mystery ingredients not organic not safe for cats Nice label. To look at it you'd think it was an upscale natural organic product of integrity. But to be sure I wanted to see the ingredients list since it's not listed here on Amazon. So I went to the site for Synergy Labs which manufactures the stuff. On the product description they state For dogs and cats over 12 weeks but looking at the partial ingredient list offered on the site I see that this is not at all safe for cats as it contains several essential oils. For those who don't know essential oils pose a unique toxicity risk to cats and can be quickly fatal as cats are not able to metabolize essential oils the way that humans dogs and other animals are able to do. In addition to this major blunder the ingredient list on Synergy Labs site was pathetically inadequate to even describe the actual ingredients.This is the ingredient list as offered on the site Peppermint oil eugenol clove oil cedar oil cinnamon oil rosemary oil inert ingredients.I have several gripes with this not the least of which is that none of these are actually mentioned as being organic much less certified organic. Another gripe To read this list you'd think the product was 100% essential oils which is certainly not true. Granted they mention in the product description that this product contains Chamomile and Aloe Vera extracts and contains No artificial color or fragrance but we still don't know the primary ingredients. There is something that composes the majority of the formula upwards of 60 to 90% of it in fact beyond the essential oils and extracts.
Didn't get to use it Amazon didn't pack & ship this spray safely & it leaked all over the place. I had to toss it out. It had a very strong smell that bothered my sinuses.
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- Vet's Best Natural Flea + Tick Home Spray, 32 oz I'll add another start later I bought this today because it has no chemicals in it. I was hoping I wasn't going to be throwing my money away on this. But when I got home and used this within minutes I could see the fleas coming to the surface of my pet and just ...Read the full
- SynergyLabs Richard's Organics Incredible Skin Spray for Dogs, 12oz BEWARE! Richard's Organics seems to use the words safe and effective on most of their products. This particular product contains neem oil. Not sure what proportion is used in the mixbut after what our family tragically experienced we would ...Read the full
- Victor M230 Ultimate Flea Trap A Truly Terrifying Productfor Fleas I bought one of these on Tuesday it arrived on Wednesday. It worked so well I just ordered six refills and a second unit.I don't have a very serious flea problem but it was bad enough that I was willing to ...Read the full
- Synergy Richard's Organics Pet Wellness/Pet Healing Neem Oil, 4 Ounce BEWARE!!!! Death of Dog
- SynergyLabs Richard's Organics Natural Flea & Tick Shampoo, 12oz Will work if your dog isn't outdoors much I wanted to use all natural products for my small terrier mix dogs both about 10 pounds. I started this product in the spring and initially it worked. The dogs were only outside for short walks and to ...Read the full
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Certifect Dogs 89 132 month supply
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Sergeants 18 Ounce Skip Flea Shampoo Cotton sergeant's shampoo
Harmful product I have a yellow lab. At first this product smelled good and the hair of my dog was smooth after shampooing and drying. However later the same day my dog started having tons of bumps all over her entire body. Those bumps were so big that they made hair hair stand up. It has never happened to my dog before when using other brands of shampoo. I felt terrible of using this product on my dog. It took over a week to get rid of all these bumps and they left some dry spots with scabs. Perhaps my dog is allergy to this product however I will never use Sergeant's SkipFlea and Tick Shampoo again. There must be some toxic ingredients in this product that harm animals.
Best. Dog. Shampoo. Ever. With all due respect to the lady whose lab is allergic this is the best dog shampoo ever for my dog. I tried a cheaper brand for awhile and it never seemed to hold its clean and that other stuff wasn't as longlasting at flea and tick control. Sergeant's on the other hand keeps my dog's fur soft and fluffy and smelling good for a week minimum and flea control seems to last longer than that. In short this is the best dog shampoo ever. I tried other brands and learned my lesson. From now on it's Sergeant's for my dog or nothing at all.
Great Flea Killing Product Just a good product that does exactly what it says. Kills fleas and ticks.
sergeant's shampoo I like tis for the small amount you have to use and the amount of lather. It also goes along way on a very large dog. Rinses easy and does a good job with tics. Tics that do get on the dog don't last very long.
WORKS GREAT!!! Been using this product on our dog for 8 years. Lathers up better than any other shampoo we have used. Smells nice and our dog has never had fleas. We also use another product for flea prevention. Highly recommend.
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- Merial Frontline Plus Flea and Tick Control for 45- to 88-Pound Dogs and Puppies, 6 Month Flea and Tick Free My dog is a Chow mix and very furry. Ticks are impossible to find under her two layered coat until it's too late. At first I tried cheaper brands. They work on ticks but do nothing for fleas. Then my vet recommended ...Read the full
- Zodiac Tick Collar for Dogs, 5 Month effectiveness too short lived. After i buckled the collar on my dog all the parasites died within 24hours. The collar gave my dog total protection even his kennel was protected and free of parasites. The effectiveness of this collar is ...Read the full
- Petrodex Dog Dental Care Kit, Beef Toothpaste with 2 Toothbrushes Wow I was shocked Honestly I was prepared for a fight with my dachshund when I pulled out the toothbrush and toothpaste. We have had troubles before and had to take her in to a costly teeth cleaning at our vet's office. I was pleasantly ...Read the full
- 700 Biodegradable, Dog Waste Bags, Pet Waste Bags - BLUE + FREE Bone Dispenser, by Pet Supply City LLC Not even remotely biodegradable These bags are plain old plastic with a chemical catalyst heavy metals like Cobalt and Lead that are supposed to help the plastic break downinto millions of pieces of plastic. This is not biodegradation.These do not meet the ASTM ...Read the full
- Zodiac Flea and Tick Collar for 5-Month Dog, Large This is GREAT! We had to put our collie in a confined space in our yard for a couple of days during construction. The first two days she was being eaten alive there were hordes of flies swarming in her ears her back just everywhere. This ...Read the full
Monday, April 23, 2012
Hartz Control Flea Conditioning Shampoo Product doesnt work for flea problem.
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- Victor M230 Ultimate Flea Trap A Truly Terrifying Productfor Fleas I bought one of these on Tuesday it arrived on Wednesday. It worked so well I just ordered six refills and a second unit.I don't have a very serious flea problem but it was bad enough that I was willing to ...Read the full
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Hartz UltraGuard Flea Tick Spray Beware!
Solid product great price This spray is an affordable easy to use option to dog collars in order to combat fleas and ticks. I have been using it for a few weeks on my 3 dogs they spend the day in the yard and sleep inside at night with great results no ticks so far detected in any of them even though by this time of the year i would usually find a culprit or two on my dogs.I did not give the spray 5 stars because on 1 of my 3 dogs it seems that it produces a very mild allergic reaction where the dog spends a day or two after being sprayed scratching constantly. Besides that minor hassle it works as specified and like i said can't beat the price.
Beware! We used this as directed on our dogs for several months. The good news is that it does what it claims to do it repels ticks. The bad news i that it appears to have caused serious adverse health issues for our two 50 pound dogs. Our vet took blood from both dogs different breeds in the course of normal checkups. Both dogs showed strange symptoms including a very low liver enzyme. Diseases and disorders having been ruled out our vet perplexed asked whether we were using any pesticides that fell into a certain category she called very dangerous for animals. Low and behold Tetrachlorvinphos is the active ingredient in this product and is known to hurt the very animals we're trying to protect! Please do a search for Tetrachlorvinphos and know what you're spraying on your pet before you purchase this product. I wish I had.
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- Hartz UltraGuard Plus Flea & Tick Home Spray, 22oz I use it alot! i have two outside pens for my dog to use. i spray this product on her rugs and anywhere else in both pens to keep the ants and fleas away. i have not seen fleas around so far but the ants are always trying to be a pest. it ...Read the full
- Hartz UltraGuard Plus Flea and Tick Spray for Dogs, 16-Ounce Extremely Wicked Product After having a pet sitter watch my 14 year old Golden Retriever for a week I came home to find her infested with fleas. By the time I realized that these little critters were all over my dog it was too late to bathe her. So I ran to WalMart ...Read the full
- Hartz UltraGuard Rid Flea & Tick Shampoo for Dogs 18oz (Citrus) Great value works well smells good This flea shampoo works pretty well in my opinion. It kills the fleas right away and it smells good. It may take a couple baths to kill every single flea because they often hide when you start bathing your dog. I would suggest ...Read the full
- Hartz UltraGuard Flea & Tick Drops For Dogs 16-30 Lbs wasted money and hope I tried this product first as it was cheaper than Frontline.I was very disappointed as it left my poor pets constantly scratching.It doesn't do what it claims and I'd never use it again.Sorry ...Read the full
- Hartz UltraGuard Collar For Large Dogs Inexpensive effective no problems There seem to be a lot emotional reviews over hypothetical concerns about the chemical in this product. I realize that the collar works because it is made with an insecticide. Obviously we shouldn't be eating ...Read the full
Friday, April 20, 2012
Virbac Preventic Tick Collar 25 Inch Cheaper then the stores and works great!
Cheaper then the stores and works great! This collar works like magic our dog was gettin eaten alive by ticks until we got this collar. Afterwards there has not been a tick on him.
works good We live in Hawaii which is perfect climate for ticks. My 2 rotts have been tick free since using these collars. Thank God! They work great and FIT their large necks.
Great product! My tick magnet dog has not had a tick since I found out about this collar. A vet strongly suggested that the ingredients in this collar were the best and only things that really repel and kill ticks. He said that the ingredients in the popular topical flea and tick products were best for fleas NOT ticks.My only problem is that I put the collar on late in the year here in New England and although it is still warmer than usual now I'm wondering if possibly the heavy tick season is ending and coinciding with me putting the collar on. Regardless I will definitely get a new one once the heavy spring tick season begins.
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- Preventic Collar - 18" Very Effective! Here in Florida the ticks seem to have built up an immunity to most of the prevention measures on the market but this product is very effective. It is the only collar we have found that does not cause problems for our ...Read the full
- Preventic Collar For Dogs - Contains 9.0% Amitraz Really works I have 3 dogs and we had a major problem with ticks. I tried every product on the market when my vet told me about Preventic. They haven't had any ticks at all since I started using Preventic 2 years ago. ...Read the full
- 2 PACK Preventic Tick Collar 18" for Dogs up to 60 Lbs Old Stuff The problem I have with buying thru Amazon is I was sent OLD Preventic it expires 01/2011 wich is less then 3 months you do the math if I start using one on10/2009 to 12/2011 the second one will expire before its time next time I ...Read the full
- Preventic Tick Collar for Dogs, 18'' ...Read the full
- Bayer K9 Advantix II Red 4-Month Flea & Tick Drops for Large Dogs, 21-55 lbs. This stuff works great! I was skeptical to buy this type of protection after being horribly disappointed in Frontline a couple years ago. I live in the country on a heavily wooded lot and my pug and cat were coming in every day with several ticks so I decided to ...Read the full
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Durvet Inc Permethrin 10 32oz Works just great
SAVED THE DAY!!! My fiance and I obtained a case of Scabies from a child in the family. Weeks of horrible itching. I bought this and mixed it 50% with body lotion and we used it like the expensive over the counter cream.
Works well but buyer beware I have used Pyrethrin many years for general insect control inside and outside with great results. In my opinion it is one of the best natural insecticides available on the market. The reason for 3 stars is that I was not aware of the difference between Pyrethrin and Permethrin and there is no mention of this anywhere in the product description. When I searched Amazon for Pyrethrin both products came up leading me to believe they were the same only labeled differently.The difference being Pyrethrin is a natural extract from the chrysanthemum plant and will not harm mammals fish or birds. Permethrin belongs to the family of synthetic chemicals called Pyrethroids. It is extremely toxic to fish and cats and has been linked to poisoning dogs as a flea/tick repellent. It is not as environmentally safe to use as Pyrethrin. Therefore it is not the same thing and I think buyers need to be made aware of this. Permethrin does work very well for general insect control but I would be very cautious using it on dogs or livestock for flea/tick and fly control. If you are looking for a natural insecticide pay more for Pyrethrin. Otherwise this is a good product for general insect control and is certainly less toxic than many commercial insecticide alternatives.
Homebrew for mosquito proofing clothing In my travels to tropical locations thru out the worldmosquitoes have had their fair share of me actually not literally. They've eaten me alive and I've spent a large amount of money to minimize their effect on my travels. I purchased mosquitoproof clothing very expensive and then used Permethrin based applications to treat my personal garments which is still costly. Now I just purchase Permethrin and mix it with water to 5%10% and spray it sparingly on my clothing and let it dry completelyand Viola! The savings is huge and most of allit works just as well as all the previous methods and purchases I made or used.Every piece of clothing except my underwear is mosquitoproof when I travel and I haven't been bitten for years like I use totake it I still get a bite or two here and there but that's because I might have forgotten to apply insect repellent to most exposed areas.You can find useful tips and recipes for doing you mosquitoproofing of your clothing on the Internet.
Did Not Receive What I Ordered I specifically ordered Durvet brand permethrin 10% 32 oz. This is the brand I have always used for my horses. I paid more because the product was fulfilled by a website I trust. It was delivered quickly but I did not open it immediately. I opened it yesterday and the brand I ordered is not the brand I received.I was sent a different brand which may or may not work as well. I am very disappointed with this state of affairs but I have no alternative.
didn't work for our tick problem we used the entire bottle on half an acre but it did not seem to do anything. there is a tick infestation in our area and nothing seems to be helping. this product is no exception. after about 10 different products we tried sevin which attaches to the water hose and it seemed to get the job done.
effective and very economical Permethrin is a very effective and non toxic for humans insect repellent. It can kill insects but over time as its strength dissipates on the clothing or other area it continues to serve as a repellent. On clothing it can be diluted 20 to 1 for a 0.5% solution and applied with a garden sprayer for a very cheap clothing treatment. I recently us 3oz. of this solution diluted to make 60 ounces of solution and treated 6 pairs of slacks 5 pairs of shorts 12 pairs of socks 8 shirts and 2 hats at a cost of less than $2 in solution.Buy this 10% or a stronger concentration and you can treat clothes for pennies. Premix 0.5% spray is more than 20 times the cost of concentrated permethrin.The spray needs to thoroughly coat the clothing to be effective and it lasts for 6 or more washings or one year whichever comes first. No reason to apply at a greater strength unless you actually plan to wash the clothes every week over the course of the year.Effective against ticks and sand fleas used by US Army in Kuwait Afghanistan Iraq and soon in Libya to control the disease spread by these insects. With malaria bearing mosquitoes now found in more than 25 states in the US it is a good at home control method as well as being great for use on clothing worn outside the USA.
Works for mosquitos After being quoted outrageous prices for a spraying service I decided to try doing it myself. I sprayed this every few weeks during the summer. I used a setting on my hose sprayer in between the bottle's recommended garden use and farm use. I saw at least a 70% reduction in mosquito population on my immediate property.I'm unsure if I needed to use less I used over half a bottle during each spray of my .25 acre lot which is probably excessive but it definitely made a huge dent in the mosquito population.
sold off brand for durvet I bought a durvet product and was shipped a martin's product that sells for 1/3 of the cost of the durvet product.
Very effective for killing flies be sure to dilute! This product is VERY effective. I used it to get rid of flies in my back yard when nothing else worked. I used about 1 cup of the product in a hosesprayer attachment it mixes water with the product as it disburses and sprayed it onto my lawn. When I first sprayed it onto our lawn we had hundreds maybe thousands? of flies buzzing around the yard. Evidently the sod in our yard had fly eggs in it and they hatched when spring hit. About a week after the initial application I sprayed again. Now instead of thousands we only have 2 or 3 pesky flies.
Works just great It worked just like it was supposed to.. interesting thing.. with or without other bugs around there are these socalled fruit flies. not sure I'd agree considering they eat anything.. stinking things are no bigger than the head of a pin and harder than anything to get rid of.. until now..
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- Sawyer Premium Permethrin Clothing Insect Repellent Trigger Spray, 24-Ounce Went to Haiti no bugs on me!
- 36.8% Permethrin SFR Multi Use Pest Insecticide / Termiticide ~ Roach Fleas Ticks Dog Kennels etc.. 32 oz Great for use on clothing to minimize skin applications This product is easily diluted 501 to create a perfect solution for spraying on outdoor clothing shirts pants socks etc. and is effective against mosquitoes ticks and fleas all of which can carry very serious ...Read the full
- Sulfur Soap with Lanolin Great for rosasea Although it does smell a little bit it is sulfur soap! The smell goes away when you rinse it off your face so what's the difference!? It made an incredible difference when I started using this soap for my rosacea! I had been using a prescription ...Read the full
- Bed Bugs, Scabies, Mites, Lice are eliminated with 32oz ELF for Bed Bugs from Eco Living Friendly, a 100% environmentally friendly solution to your Bed Bug, Scabies, Mites, Fleas, and insect problems. New Guaranteed Formula. EPA (exempt), FDA (GRAS) Safe Ingredients. (32 oz Pre-Mix in ready to use Sprayer Bottle) Seems to work has an interesting smell I bought this because it is safe for petscouldn't risk the health of my puppy. I used it as directed when I found two bedbugs that migrated from my neighbor's apartment. It work really well but be ...Read the full
- 6pk - Sulfur Soap - Acne - Grisi Best kept secret in acne treatment Sulfur is one of the oldest and most effective nonprescription treatments for acne and other skin problems. I keep this soap in the house for my teens and for my own occasional outbreak. I have noticed that ...Read the full
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
SentryHOME Flea Carpet Powder 20 Ounce
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- SentryHOME Flea and Tick Home and Carpet Spray 96-Fluid Ounce Spray handle leaks a bit but is effective. Wear gloves We use this as part of a preventative plan. We have 3 dogs and one cat that are all indoor/outdoor. We started using this product back in April 2011 as part of a flea prevention plan. ...Read the full
- Victor M230 Ultimate Flea Trap A Truly Terrifying Productfor Fleas I bought one of these on Tuesday it arrived on Wednesday. It worked so well I just ordered six refills and a second unit.I don't have a very serious flea problem but it was bad enough that I was willing to ...Read the full
- Bayer Advantage II Purple 6-Month Flea Control for Cats 9+ lbs. Effective Treatment Reasonable Price I have several cats indoors and out and all of them ended up with fleas this year. In the past Frontline has worked just fine but not this year. It seems like this year has been a horrible year for fleas ...Read the full
- Zodiac Carpet & Upholstery Powder, 16 oz Perfect Flea Protection Though we have indoor cats occasionally they get out. One did and brought in some fleas. One got off the cat and laid eggs in the carpet. Suddenly we had one spot where if you walked you got jumped by fleas. Using ...Read the full
- Victor M231 Ultimate Flea Trap Refills, Pack of 3 The last desperate act The whole idea is keep fleas out of your house. Once they have invaded What do you do? I have tried every thing sprays powers you name it. These have been temporary solution at best. the best response to the ...Read the full
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