Sentry Natural Defense Natural Flea and Tick Spray for Cats and Kittens, 8-Fluid Ounce Read more... Natural ingredients Kills and repels ticks Safe for use around children and pets when used as directed Kills and repels fleas Flea and tick spray for cats and kittens
POISON!! SERIOUSLY! **********EXTREMELY IMPORTANT**************THIS PRODUCT'S MAIN INGREDIENT IS PEPPERMINT OIL.THE ASPCA WARNS THAT PEPPERMINT IS POISONOUS TO CATS**********EXTREMELY IMPORTANT**************From the ASPCA's web site google ASPCA and peppermint for source Amazon does not allow hyperlinksIf ingested the peppermint plant and its oil could indeed potentially cause harm to your cat.
It's ok First I have to get my cats to hold still long enough to spray them and the bottle can be difficult to use because you have to pump it to get it to come out. It smells a lot better then most other flea stuff out there on the market but I try and just put it in the places where the fleas like to stay on them in the hard to read places. It works for small periods of time but you do have to spray it often to keep up with it.
cat poison Remember you get what you pay for. If you dont care about your cat go ahead and get this stuff. It almost killed mine in fact we are not sure if he is going to make it yet. He still will not eat or drink after 4 days of being lethargic. We have resorted to feeding him out of a syringe. He has a seizure every 20 min its so sad to see your friend who trusted you go through something like this. Go ahead search this subject you will be overwhelmed with cases just like mine. These natural oils used in this product namely peppermint clove are toxic to cats ASPCA. Stay away from these type of products ask a vet please dont hurt em.
Numb tongue after one spray to the tail This is going into the garbage can don't waste your money bad enough that I did. We sprayed our cat's tail and about 15 minutes later she was sitting with her tongue sticking out while her mouth was closed. Looking at her tail she must have licked it. I'm all for finding natural solutions vs. the toxicity of products like Frontline but this product is definitely not it.
Thrown in The Trash My cat has fleas so I was in petsmart looking to see what I could put on her while I waited for my order of capstar to get here. I didn't see any powder but I saw some sprays. I picked up this one over another one because it was one dollar cheaper. One dollar. It claimed to be natural and completely safe. So I get home and I spray her down. The first thing I notice is that the smell is overwhelming. It gave me a terrible headache that I had to lay down just to get it to go away. I can't imagine what it was like for her to be covered in the stuff.Her coat was pretty nasty looking but I imagine that's how it would be with any spray. A couple hours later I decide to read some reviews on it when I should have done this first. I was terrified.
not so bad for cats at all We have used this formula of plant oils to treat our 4 outdoor cats for years now. The first time using it the cats did react shocked by the odor and quite obviously disliked the taste even more when they tried to lick it off. After sulking quite dramatically for a day they were just fine again and have since become used to it. They do not try to lick it off anymore the first day and groom a bit more vigorously the second day after application.They are treated around once a month and the product IS very effective. Our cats are part of a seemingly wider cat community and of course the male cats tend to wander quite a bit. If we do not use the flea spray our cats will eventually start scratching. We have toddlers and kids in the house and are therefore wary of some of the other insect poisons useful to treat cats. Those may be odorless and tasteless but even the permethrins have been strongly implicated to have some relation to Alzheimers. Why risk it?The temporary discomfort of the bad smell to the cat we humans actually enjoy the scent is a small price to pay for our cats to enjoy a fulfilled life with our family.
Cat Has Flea Allergies I have many cats and live in Florida the flea capital of the world. One of my cats has severe flea allergies and will chew on herself constantly exhausting herself. She also gets scabby skin all over and hair loss where she's chewing. I have been using Advantage but it really doesn't help all that much. I also use a natural spray to calm the chewing but it needs to be used twice a day and does nothing to prevent her from getting bitten. Neither does the Advantage. I know how toxic spot on treatments are and I hate to use them.
DO NOT USE TOXIC TO CATS This product killed my cat a few hours after applying it DO NOT USE! The ingredient peppermint oil is EXTREMELY harmful to cats look up online.
Ticks Gone No cats hurt We have had two cats for over 15 years and this spring a stray was kind enough to leave us with four kittens under our back porch. When the kittens were about 8 weeks old I brought a few of them inside to see how the older cats would take it. Well we got fleas and in checking the kittens afterward I found that the two longerhaired ones had ticks also. Dealing with 16+ year cats and kittens and having a young child I did not want something poisonous. We got this and I used it on the almost 12 week old kittens and our two older kitties. I will admit that I was very sparing on the inside cats mainly because they aren't used to being restained at all and I was not persistent the kittens I treated as directed. It is three weeks later and the kittens are without ticks and not scratching all the time I see no fleas on them but yesterday I saw a flea on our indoor Tom. So I have reapplied to the indoor cats according to the directions this time and we'll see what happens.Also when I sprayed the areas of the porch frequently used by the kittens and had residue on me from applying it to them I noted amazingly that I did not get bitten by a single mosquito for two nights which never happens when I go outside. My wife noticed that there were fewer bugs in general around the porch and no ants coming inside on the backside of the house.The smell is strong but I like it. The cats mostly did not seem to mind being treated although our Tom sulked for two days last time he seems less affected this time. No kitties seemed distressed or in any way unhealthy three seemed slightly shy of petting for a day.So I think the
Avoid at all costs!! In the hopes of finding a less toxic product one that doesn't use the pyrethrin based pesticides that many of the products do I tried the Sentry Natural Flee and Tick drop. $500 dollar mistake!! Immediately following my application of the product to my cat she became very lethargic. I suspected something to be wrong right away so I attempted to wash off as much of the product as possible obviously not enough. Over the last couple of days she has had a lost of appetite been unable to maintain body temp and has been in a general malaise.Today approximately one week after the treatment she all but collapsed. We rushed her to the pet emergency center. She had sings of abdominal tenderness but in addition she was also very sensitive at base of her tail. The vet as an precautionary measure suggested xrays to rule out any possible trauma and to see if there was any internal bleeding. That all came back clear but during the xray she urinated bloody urine.With the xray showing nothing and bloody urine the Doctor could only speculate that she either had a Urinary Tract Infection or was dealing with acute poisoning. At that point I contacted the manufacturer Sergeant where I was connected with a Veterinary Tech at first and then later a Veterinary Toxicologist. Nothing concrete was said from the distributer but the level of attention I received leads me to believe that I am not the first caller.So now after spending $500 at the vet my cat received a bath in Dawn dishwashing fluid the same soap used to wash oiled wildlife is on a fluid regiment will be recieving antibiotics twice daily at a dose of 125cc of Amoxicillin and is still barely able to stand.It is utterly outrageous and completely inexcusable that a company produce a product which contains a know poison to an animal. When I spoke with the toxicologist at the ASPCA they asked if she has consumed Antifreeze in the same sentence as asking about peppermint oil.
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