PURE BORIC ACID One customer on here commented that this was borax evidently he/she cannot read and knows nothing of chemistry. This is 100% Boric Acid not Borax these are different however Borax can be made into Boric Acid using sulphuric acid but it is not the same. Also this is not a preventative measure but it actually kills bugs thru their digestion and exoskeleton. The bugs carry it back to their nests where they all share and die. This is also good to use for rotten wet moldy or fungus infested wood. This is pretty reasonable price also. Boric Acid has been around since 1700's and is used for many things. So do your research and price per .lb. You can also enlarge the picture and read the label on the jar that states active ingredient 100% Boric Acid. You can get tons of recipes and uses for boric acid for free on the internet. Great product.
Gotta have it if you have a flea problem works as good as flea buster at a fraction of the price. took only a few weeks to kill all the fleas in a badly infested appartment in so cal. noticible reduction in fleas after only a few days. used with a flea trap to monitor number of fleas. after 5 weeks no fleas at all.
OK but could use better instructions I'm fairly certain that Synergy First Defense has contributed to almost solving our household flea problem. I had already treated our two cats with Frontline Plus and thoroughly vacuumed our rugs and carpets every day for over a week before finally buying First Defense. We had already seen a marked improvement though not total decline in flea activity. It seems that First Defense may be helping.I would probably give this product 4 stars if it had better instructions. My main problem with instructions is that they were unclear as to how long to leave the powder in the carpets and rugs. They were clear about making certain that children and pets are not present while treating floors and carpets but did not specify when you could reintroduce pets and children. They also did not indicate for how long you should leave the powder in the carpets and rugs. I left the powder in the treated areas overnight before vacuuming. Despite keeping my cats away from the treated rooms and vacuuming the rugs and carpets they may have ingested some of the product. It may have been a coincidence but my cats threw up the next couple of days so I'm now a little concerned about treating with First Defense again.
Are you kidding me!?! Are you kidding me! I have no review on this product well because I don't even have it! It's been almost 2 months and I haven't even got it yet. Is there no contact number for Amazon? This is ridiculous and all the while my kitties are suffering if you don't have it in stock don't advertise that you do.
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