Monday, May 7, 2012

Virbac Knockout Area Treatment oz you are awesome

Virbac Knockout ES Area Treatment, 16 oz.
Virbac Knockout ES Area Treatment, 16 oz.

  • Prevents reinfestation for seven months
  • Kills active flea infestations
  • Covers up to 2100 Square feet
  • Insector growth regulator
  • Prevents Flea Infestation

  • It works !!BUT!! This stuff works period.We had fleas everywhere. We tried lots of things borax etc. None had any effect.Our vet recommended this. They were GONE instantly. I did not see a single flea in the following 34 weeks.However it is 6 weeks later and we need to spray again. It's just the nature of fleas they lay eggs and those eggs hatch. I'm hoping they'll be gone for good after this second spraying.By the way because of the cold winter the fleas could not have come in from the outside in the past 6 weeks. It's likely that the eggs have hatched.
    you are awesome can't believe how fast you are I am so glad I found yall because my vet doesn't sell this anymore and its the best there is and don't know what I would do without it.
    Maybe I got a bad can but it's not working not even a little bit My indoor cat got infested badly by fleas. Once I realized what was going on I took him to the vet who cleared up the problems for my cat. And told me you're going to see some fleas now that they can't snack on your cat. He recommended spraying with Knockout to get rid of them and sold me a can.Well some has to be the understatement of the century. I do have to take responsibility for the fact that I didn't start immediately with the Knockout but I was headed out of town for a few days my cat went with me. When I got back my house in particular for some reason my only bathroom was so infested that I would routinely count 20 or more fleas on the tops of my feet.I stripped every bed in the house and even took down the curtains and did a massive round of laundry. In the meantime I sprayed every room with Knockout. I could hear the fleas popping up and down on the wooden/tile floors I don't have carpet at all and thought Die you suckers die.Except they didn't. Not even one little bit. I never got even a day's worth of reduced flea activity not even a few hours. And I still can't go into my bathroom without having them jump all over me. I swear I hear them laughing.If anyone has any idea of what to do next I'm all ears at least until the fleas eat them.
    Only thing that worked! I had fleas in my home for about a month and a half. I used flea bombs once a week for about 4 weeks. I vacuumed and mopped and vacuumed and still had fleas. I was at my wits end I could not get rid of them. My children always had flea bites on them. One day I got smart and went to the vets office and bought this stuff. I got 2 cans and sprayed everywhere. I was a little skeptical but today it has been 1 week and 1 day since I sprayed and now there are absolutely no fleas to be found. I can't believe I finally found something that worked. This product is amazing. Please keep in mind you do need about a full week before they are all completely gone. We were still getting bit 24 days after I sprayed and I thought the product wasnt going to work but it did you just need to give it time to do it's job and knockout them fleas.
    Works!! Amazing This does as it says.kills fleas on contact. Cant ask for a better product to get rid of fleas or a flea infestation.
    antiflea fog I have used knockout a few times with good results. It helps keep flea populations at bay by going after the places where the little critters hide out. I use this in addition to advantage but you could likely just use advantage with similar results.All in all a great product and recommended by our vet.
    Sanity in a can! And why it may not work for you My poor Labrador and I were going bonkers after dealing with fleas for two solid months. Since she's never had flea problems before I had no idea why she was biting herself raw until I took her to the veterinarian. After supplying me with a can of Knockout ES and two completely ineffective doses of Vectra 3D she told me to use those products and vacuum like crazy for a few weeks.I was reluctant to use this spray when I read the information on it.
    Amazed !!!! I tried this product after reading the reviews and to my amazement and this was just 4 days ago they are gone just one or two here and there but I hear to give it up to two weeks and they will be entirely gone. My husband did the white sock test and it stayed white. no fleas hanging on ..
    Good Stuff! We experienced a terrible flea infestation at our cottage this year affecting several dogs in the family and making them all terribly uncomfortable. We thought we had it beat until we got home and realized the fleas had travelled with us. A couple of doses of Novartis Capstar Flea Treatment and Knockout sprayed liberally about the house finally took them down. I shared these products with my sister and she too had great results.
    Complete let down I have been battling fleas in my apartment for about three weeks after my very dedicated cat escaped repeatedly from my screened in patio and brought them back into my place. I removed my cat and took care of his flea issue. Now that my cat is itch free I've been the the sole victim.After reading the reviews left for virbac knockout area treatment I was beyond excited and optimistic about using the product in my apartment. I went to the vet and purchased a can. I had been vacuuming 3 times a day using salt borox foggers light traps you name it just about anything to get rid of these unbelievably annoying and frustrating insects. Nothing was working!I applied the entire can of knockout as directed all over the carpet upholstery and etc. I was convinced from reading the reviews that stated this product was amazing the only thing that worked that I would have the same results. After applying the treatment I left my apartment in the afternoon and returned that evening. Upon my arrival I was ready to declare victory against these disgusting blood suckers. However my optimism and excitement was short lived and I was crushed when I found more fleas happily jumping around the carpet. I mustered up the last bit of hope I had and thought perhaps the treatment needs a few days to settle in and work.Well the only things that happened after a few days were more bites on my ankles and more fleas! I am now looking into professional help. I am happy for those who used virbac knockout and had great results. Unfortunately I had completely different results.

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    1. We have used 3 cans of this stuff on the day we sprsy we see no fleas, by next day they are back. Third day now after second spray and we are seeing 20 to 30 a day on us, cats have Advantage but still had about 2 fleas on them but the room where they stay has wood floor still seeing at least 15 fleas there. We vacuum every day,the fleas we see are v tiny newly hatched. Now have to call exterminator, but it's a holiday weekend so can only imagine how bad it will be by the time we can get real help. This stuff was a waste shoukd gave called exterminator right away. Money gone to waste.

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